“Polygraph Test” also known as “Lie Detector Test” is an instrument used to detect the truthfulness of an individual. This instrument records the changes in respiration (breathing), electrodermal activity (skin moisture), cardiovascular activity (blood volume, blood pressure, pulse) and activity sensor. In more recent research by American Polygraph Association, the accuracy of polygraph test was shown to be 98% based on computerized and numerical scoring charts.
So, why we should use in pre-employment screening?
Nowadays, there are rising cases of delinquency in the workplace such as fraud, inside job, and other crimes involving employees of the company and it is relatively alarming. This may due to weak pre-employment screening of the firm that they can’t scrutinize the applicants thoroughly. It is said to be that people is the most valuable asset of the company, so why not invest for your first line of defense? Thus, Polygraph can help on this matter; Lie Detector Test will examine an applicant on his truthfulness about his employment application, vices (gambling, drug, alcohol), stealing from anybody (money, merchandise, property), serious undetected crimes and other relevant information that might interfere with the job that he is applying for. This is essential especially if the job position that is being offered requires so much of honesty, trust and loyalty.
Meanwhile, Truth Verifier Systems, Inc., offers such kind of services. TVSI is recognized to be the country’s Number 1 Company in commercializing lie detector and private detective services. It is awarded by the Philippine National Police (PNP) as the Hall of Fame Best Private Detective Agency and is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company. It is also an authorized distributor of Lafayette Instruments, U.S.A.
TVSI’s main office is located at 2/F Cityland Bldg., 128 Pioneer St., Mandaluyong City, with telephone numbers +63(2) 634-7571 and +63(2) 634-7573. It has a branch office at 2/F, Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Bldg., National Highway, Balibago, Sta. Rosa, Laguna with contact numbers +63(49) 530-2861 and +63(2) 994-8249.
For products and services, please e-mail us at truth@truthverifier.com or info@liedetectorphilippines.com. Feel free also visit our websites www.truthverifier.com www.truthverifier.com and www.liedetectorphilippines.com for more details.