Truth Verifier Systems, Inc. (TVSI), the country’s renowned private detective company recently conducted an exclusive seminar entitled “Investigative Interview and Interrogation” at the Air Materiel Wing Savings & Loan Association, Inc., AMWSLAI Bldg., cor. Boni Serrano & 8 Avenues, Quezon City last March 14, 2014.
This half-day seminar was very beneficial to the distinguished participants, who were Lawyers, Accountants, Auditors and HR Managers of the said organization. The tremendous insights and true-to-life experiences shared by the speaker Mr. Miguel Panchito P. Dela Paz helped them determine the differences between an interview and an interrogation as far as investigation is concerned. The participants gained techniques on the proper ways of conducting an interview and an interrogation as well as the strategies in order to draw relevant information from the interviewees. Furthermore, at the end of the discussion, they learned about the effective methods used by the investigators in converting an interviewee’s verbal confession into a written statement. They were completely satisfied with the entire presentation; thus, they rated the speaker as either “Very Good” or “Excellent” and the entire seminar as either “Recommended” or “Highly Recommended”.
Mr. Dela Paz is a Registered Criminologist and a Certified Security Trainer. He is the Chief Lie Detector Examiner of Truth Verifier Systems. He has also given such lectures at several private and public agencies. He was also invited to discuss about the Computerized Lie Detector Test and its functions at the Philippine National Police and the National Bureau of Investigation.
Meanwhile, Truth Verifier Systems, Inc. (TVSI) is known to be the No. 1 Private Detective and Lie Detector Company in the Philippines. It was awarded by the Philippine National Police (PNP) as the “Hall of Fame Best Private Detective Agency”. It is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company. It specializes in lie detection, investigation and detective services. It is noted for its exemplary service, expertise, integrity and truthful reporting.
TVSI’s main office is located at the 2/F Cityland Bldg., 128 Pioneer St., Mandaluyong City. It has a branch office at the 2/F, Don Francisco M. Tan Gana Bldg., National Highway, Balibago, Sta. Rosa, Laguna.
For services and other investigative seminars, please call us at (02) 634-7571 and (02) 634-7573 or you may e-mail us at and For more details, you may visit our websites at and